3rd April Bovey Tracey - 10 days to go

High Point: Finally getting our 30kg box of boat bits shipped to Ayamonte after packing and repacking it several times and numerous attempts to find a carrier.
Low Point: Lying awake last night thinking about everything still to do and worrying about what could go wrong.
Soundtrack: Outside, the pair of pigeons nesting in the tree in the drive are calling to each other; there's a distant buzz of a lawnmower.

The good thing about going away is that it's galvanised us into seeing more of our friends. Suzie and Craig (last seen 15 years ago!) came specially down from Westbury to visit us. Last weekend I went to London to say goodbye to Edd, staying overnight with Jane before going on to see Liz and Tom and their growing household in Surrey. This week it's been lunch with David and Elizabeth, and a visit to Dartmouth to see Chris and Jenny. Each in their own way has been a source of inspiration and encouragement to us, and knowing they wish us well will sustain us in the months ahead.

Today is a glorious spring day, the G20 protests in London have passed without a call from Edd to say he's been arrested, and its beginning to sink in that we really are embarking on a life-changing adventure. My feelings veer from trepidation to excitement. Roll on departure!

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